SqlKata - Dynamic Sql query builder for dotnet | Product Hunt

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Changes in 2.4.0

[Breaking Change] Offset is now of type long instead of int

Contributed by @ahmad-moussawi in #608

Now offset in Offset(offset) is of type long instead of int

Update Dapper to the 2.0.123 version

Contributed by @AEAcceliox in #602

Updating Dapper version from 1.50.5 to 2.0.123

Improving test foundation

Contributed by @ahmad-moussawi in #603, #604, #606, and #607

As mentioned before, our goal is to make the test foundation in SqlKata more robust, this is why we are prioritizing more test commits, in this release we've added the support for SQLite integration tests.

  • Feature SQLite execution test
  • Add more execution test for InlineTable, Variable
  • Fix xunit warnings
  • Add test for Exists/NotExists

Other contributions

Fix license URL by @ahmad-moussawi in #609

Heap apparel


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