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Fetching Records

SqlKata provides the following methods to help executing your queries:

  • Get()
  • First()
  • FirstOrDefault()
  • Paginate()
  • Chunk()

Retrieving Records

By default calling the Get method returns an IEnumerable<dynamic>, giving you the max flexibility

var db = new QueryFactory(connection, new SqlServerCompiler());

IEnumerable<dynamic> users = db.Query("Users").Get();

However you can use the generic overload when you prefer strong types instead

IEnumerable<User> users = db.Query("Users").Get<User>();

Getting One Record

use the First or FirstOrDefault to get the first record of the query

var book = db.Query("Books").Where("Id", 1).First<Book>();

Note: The First and FirstOrDefault add the Limit(1) clause implicitly to the query, so there is no need to add it by yourself.

Data Pagination

To paginate your data, use the Paginate(pageNumber, perPage?) method instead of Get.

the Paginate method accept two parameters, the page number (1 based) and an optional perPage that defaults to 25, and return an instance of type PaginationResult.

The PaginationResult expose the Each property that implements the Enumerable interface so you can safely iterate over the returned data.

// users is of type `PaginationResult`
var users = query.Paginate(1, 10);

foreach(var user in users.Each)
    Console.WriteLine($"Id: {user.Id}, Name: {user.Name}");

Next and Previous

You can call the Next and Previous methods to get the Next/Previous page respectively.

var page1 = query.Paginate(1);

foreach(var item in page1.Each)
    // print items in the first page

var page2 = page1.Next(); // same as query.Paginate(2)

foreach(var item in page2.Each)
    // print items in the 2nd page

Next and Previous Queries

Sometimes you may need to access the underlying queries for the next and previous methods. Use the NextQuery and PreviousQuery respectively in this case.

Accessing the queries can sometime more beneficial if you want more control, i.e. adding additional constraint.

var currentPage = query.Paginate(1, 10);

foreach(var item in currentPage.Each)
    // print all books in the first page

var publishedInPage2 = currentPage.NextQuery().WhereTrue("IsPublished").Get();

foreach(var item in publishedInPage2.Each)
    // print published books only in page 2

Looping over all records example

This example may not be used in real cases, use the Chunk method instead if you need such functionality

var currentPage = db.Query("Books").OrderBy("Date").Paginate(1);

    Console.WriteLine($"Looping over the page: {currentPage.Page}");

    foreach(var book in currentPage.Each)
        // process book

    currentPage = currentPage.Next();

Data Chunks

Sometimes you may want to retrieve data in chunks to prevent loading the whole table one time in memory, for this you can use the Chunk method.

This is useful in situations where you have thousands of records.

query.Chunk(100, (rows, page) => {

    Console.WriteLine($"Fetching page: {page}");

    foreach(var row in rows)
        // do something with row


To stop retrieving chunks simply use the Chunk(int chunkSize, Func<IEnumerable<dynamic>, int, bool> func) overload and return false from the invoked action

query.Chunk(100, (rows, page) => {

    // process rows

    if(page == 3) {

        // stop retrieving other chunks
        return false;


    // return true to continue
    return true;


Execute Raw Statements

If you want to execute free raw statements, use the QueryFactory.Select and QueryFactory.Statement methods.

var users = db.Select("exec sp_get_users_by_date @date", new {date = DateTime.UtcNow});

QueryFactory.Statement allows you to execute arbitrary statements like truncate table, create database, etc ...

db.Statement("truncate table Users");
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