var commentsCount = new Query("Comments").Select("PostId").SelectRaw("count(1) as Count").GroupBy("PostId");
var query = new Query().From(commentsCount).Having("Count", ">", 100);
SELECT * FROM (SELECT [PostId], count(1) as Count FROM [Comments] GROUP BY [PostId]) HAVING [Count] > 100
var query = new Query("Comments").Select("PostId").SelectRaw("count(1) as Count").GroupBy("PostId").HavingRaw("count(1) > 50");
SELECT [PostId], count(1) as Count FROM [Comments] GROUP BY [PostId] HAVING count(1) > 50
If you want to nest the having conditions, you have to use the WhereX
methods instead, the compiler will look for the Where
s conditions to compile the nested statements.
var query = new Query("Comments")
.SelectRaw("count(1) as Count")
.Having(q => q.Where("Count", ">", 50).OrWhere("Count", "<", 20));
SELECT [PostId], count(1) as Count FROM [Comments] GROUP BY [PostId] HAVING ([Count] > 50 OR [Count] < 20)