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Date Operations

SqlKata Query Builder provides WhereDate, WhereTime and WhereDatePart methods to deal with date columns.

this is useful if you want to query against a specific date part of the column.


let you query against the date part of a datetime column

new Query("Posts").WhereDate("CreatedAt", "2018-04-01");

In Sql Server

SELECT * FROM [Posts] WHERE CAST([CreatedAt] as date) = '2018-04-01'

In PostgreSql

SELECT * FROM "Posts" WHERE "CreatedAt"::date = '2018-04-01'

In MySql

SELECT * FROM `Posts` WHERE DATE(`CreatedAt`) = '2018-04-01'


let you query against the time part of a datetime column

new Query("Posts").WhereTime("CreatedAt", ">", "16:30");

In Sql Server

SELECT * FROM [Posts] WHERE CAST([CreatedAt] as time) > '16:30'

In PostgreSql

SELECT * FROM "Posts" WHERE "CreatedAt"::time > '16:30'

In MySql

SELECT * FROM `Posts` WHERE TIME(`CreatedAt`) > '16:30'


WhereDatePart accept a datePart argument to specify the part you want to query against, the available options are: date, time, year, month, day, hour and minute.

For example to get the posts created in the first of February.

new Query("Posts").WhereDatePart("day", "CreatedAt", 1).WhereDatePart("month", "CreatedAt", 2);

In Sql Server

SELECT * FROM [Posts] WHERE DATEPART(DAY, [CreatedAt]) = 1 AND DATEPART(MONTH, [CreatedAt]) = 2

In Postgres

SELECT * FROM "Posts" WHERE DATE_PART('DAY', "CreatedAt") = 1 AND DATE_PART('MONTH', "CreatedAt") = 2

In MySql

SELECT * FROM `Posts` WHERE DAY(`CreatedAt`) = 1 AND MONTH(`CreatedAt`) = 2
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