Select a single or many columns
new Query("Posts").Select("Id", "Title", "CreatedAt as Date");
SELECT [Id], [Title], [CreatedAt] AS [Date] FROM [Posts]
Note: You can use the as keyword to alias a column in the select list
Select from a sub query
var countQuery = new Query("Comments").WhereColumns("Comments.PostId", "=", "Posts.Id").AsCount();
var query = new Query("Posts").Select("Id").Select(countQuery, "CommentsCount");
SELECT [Id], (SELECT COUNT(*) AS [count] FROM [Comments] WHERE [Comments].[PostId] = [Posts].[Id]) AS [CommentsCount] FROM [Posts]
Your friend when you need the full freedom
new Query("Posts").Select("Id").SelectRaw("count(1) over(partition by AuthorId) as PostsByAuthor")
SELECT [Id], count(1) over(partition by AuthorId) as PostsByAuthor FROM [Posts]
You can wrap your identifier inside [
and ]
so they get recognized by SqlKata as an identifier, so we can rewrite the same example above as
new Query("Posts").Select("Id").SelectRaw("count(1) over(partition by [AuthorId]) as [PostsByAuthor]")
Now AuthorId
and PostsByAuthor
get wrapped with the compiler identifiers, this is helpful especially for case sensitive engine like PostgreSql.
In SqlServer
SELECT [Id], count(1) over(partition by [AuthorId]) as [PostsByAuthor] FROM [Posts]
In Postgres
SELECT "Id", count(1) over(partition by "AuthorId") as "PostsByAuthor" FROM "Posts"
In MySql
SELECT `Id`, count(1) over(partition by `AuthorId`) as `PostsByAuthor` FROM `Posts`
Starting v1.1.2, you can use the Braces Expansions feature, to select multiple columns at the same time. This will allow you to write the same query in a more compact way.
new Query("Users")
.Join("Profiles", "Profiles.UserId", "Users.Id")
"Users.{Id, Name, LastName}",
"Profiles.{GithubUrl, Website, Stars}"
Same as writing
new Query("Users")
.Join("Profiles", "Profiles.UserId", "Users.Id")
INNER JOIN [Profiles] ON [Profiles].[UserId] = [Users].[Id]